What to Know about Your Property Tax Bill
Your property tax bill(s) is not easily understood particularly when it comes to school district taxes. This article explains how these taxes work in general and the added complexities involved in the taxes for your school district.
IMPORTANT TO KNOW: The property taxes on your primary home do not help fund the operations of the public schools that your children or your neighbors’ children attend.
Teacher Work Environment
The teacher work environment is very challenging with many teachers experiencing high levels of stress, burnout and dissatisfaction based on multiple factors. This harms student achievement and results in a significant number of teachers leaving the profession. Reasons for teaching include “to make a difference in children’s lives” and to “share their love of learning and teaching.”
Teacher Salaries
State-mandated minimum teacher salaries in South Carolina have increased greatly in the last few years particularly for first-year teachers. And the South Carolina average teacher salary continues to closely align with the southeast average. However, when inflation is taken into account, the state average salary and state minimums for higher levels of teacher experience are actually lower than they were ten and five years earlier. Nationally, the average teacher earned 73.4 cents for every dollar that other college-graduate professionals made in 2023.